Table of Contents

BenchmarkDotNet v0.11.2

This release includes many PRs from the Hacktoberfest. We are very grateful to all the contributors who spent their time to help us make BenchmarkDotNet even better!


In this release, we have many improvements in different areas:

  • Diagnosers
    • EtwProfiler (allows profiling benchmarks on Windows and exporting the data to a trace file)
  • Execution:
    • Comparing NuGet packages (now it's possible to compare different versions of the same package)
    • .NET Core 3.0 support
    • Deferred Execution Validator
  • Command-line:
    • --list: List of benchmarks
    • --info: Print environment info
    • --runtimes: Choosing execution runtimes (--runtimes net472 netcoreapp2.1 will executed a benchmark on .NET 4.7.2 and .NET Core 2.1)
    • Options for number of invocations and iterations
    • Custom default settings for console argument parser
    • Case-insensitive filter
    • Benchmarking with different CoreRun instances
    • Hardware counters command-line support
  • Exporters:
    • Markdown output for DisassemblyDiagnoser
    • Diff view for disassembler output
    • Improved LINQPad support (colored monospaced logs)
    • Better CPU brand strings
  • Attributes:
    • Async [GlobalSetup] and [GlobalCleanup] support
    • Introduced [ParamsAllValues]
    • Selecting Baseline across Methods and Jobs
  • Statistics:
    • Better statistical tests (Welch's t-test and Mann-Whitney U-test)
    • ZeroMeasurementAnalyser
    • RatioColumn
  • Other:
    • Azure Pipelines support for internal builds
    • Many minor bug fixes
    • Improved documentation
    • New tests



EtwProfiler allows to profile the benchmarked .NET code on Windows and exports the data to a trace file which can be opened with PerfView or Windows Performance Analyzer.

EtwProfiler uses TraceEvent library which internally uses Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) to capture stack traces and important .NET Runtime events. Before the process with benchmarked code is started, EtwProfiler starts User and Kernel ETW sessions. Every session writes data to it's own file and captures different data. User session listens for the .NET Runtime events (GC, JIT etc) while the Kernel session gets CPU stacks and Hardware Counter events. After this, the process with benchmarked code is started. During the benchmark execution all the data is captured and written to a trace file. Moreover, BenchmarkDotNet Engine emits it's own events to be able to differentiate jitting, warmup, pilot and actual workload when analyzing the trace file. When the benchmarking is over, both sessions are closed and the two trace files are merged into one.

You can find more details in the documentation and in the blog post by Adam Sitnik.


Comparing NuGet packages

Now it's possible to compare performance of several versions of the same NuGet package. An example:

public class IntroNuGet
  // Specify jobs with different versions of the same NuGet package to benchmark.
  // The NuGet versions referenced on these jobs must be greater or equal to the
  // same NuGet version referenced in this benchmark project.
  // Example: This benchmark project references Newtonsoft.Json 9.0.1
  private class Config : ManualConfig
    public Config()
      var baseJob = Job.MediumRun.With(CsProjCoreToolchain.Current.Value);
      Add(baseJob.WithNuGet("Newtonsoft.Json", "11.0.2").WithId("11.0.2"));
      Add(baseJob.WithNuGet("Newtonsoft.Json", "11.0.1").WithId("11.0.1"));
      Add(baseJob.WithNuGet("Newtonsoft.Json", "10.0.3").WithId("10.0.3"));
      Add(baseJob.WithNuGet("Newtonsoft.Json", "10.0.2").WithId("10.0.2"));
      Add(baseJob.WithNuGet("Newtonsoft.Json", "10.0.1").WithId("10.0.1"));
      Add(baseJob.WithNuGet("Newtonsoft.Json", "9.0.1").WithId("9.0.1"));
  public void SerializeAnonymousObject()
    => JsonConvert.SerializeObject(
      new { hello = "world", price = 1.99, now = DateTime.UtcNow });

See also: BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IntroNuGet

  • #290 Question: Any official way to benchmark same method between different assembly versions?
  • #931 Same NuGet version used when benchmarking different packages
  • #922 Enables benchmarking betweeen different Nuget packages (by @Shazwazza)
  • #932 Partition benchmark run info based on added nuget packages (by @blairconrad)
  • 92a786 Enables benchmarking betweeen different Nuget packages (#922) fixes #290 (by @Shazwazza)
  • 510685 Partition benchmark run info based on added nuget packages (#932) (by @blairconrad)
  • cf84a4 NuGet casing fix (by @AndreyAkinshin)

.NET Core 3.0 support

Now it's possible to run benchmarks on preview versions of .NET Core 3.0.

Deferred Execution Validator

In LINQ, execution of a query is usually deferred until the moment when you actually request the data. If your benchmark just returns IEnumerable or IQueryable it's not measuring the execution of the query, just the creation.

This is why we decided to warn you about this issue whenever it happens:

Benchmark IntroDeferredExecution.Wrong returns a deferred execution result (IEnumerable<Int32>). You need to either change the method declaration to return a materialized result or consume it on your own. You can use .Consume() extension method to do that.

Don't worry! We are also providing you with a Consume extension method which can execute given IEnumerable or IQueryable and consume its results. All you need to do is to create a Consumer instance, preferably store it in a field (to exclude the cost of creating Consumer from the benchmark itself) and pass it to Consume extension method.

Do not call .ToArray() because it's an expensive operation and it might dominate given benchmark!

See also: BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IntroDeferredExecution

  • #858 Should the Engine iterate over and consume IEnumerable and IQueryable results? (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • cebe2a Deferred Execution Validator, fixes #858 (by @adamsitnik)


In this release, we have tons of improvements for command-line experience.

--list: List of benchmarks

The --list allows you to print all of the available benchmark names. Available options are:

  • flat - prints list of the available benchmarks: --list flat
  • tree - prints tree of the available benchmarks: --list tree
    │  ├─Md5
    │  └─Sha256
    │  └─Benchmark
    │  ├─SingleArgument
    │  └─ManyArguments
    │  ├─ArrayIndexOf
    │  └─ManualIndexOf
    │  ├─Sleep

The --list option works with the --filter option. Examples:

  • --list flat --filter *IntroSetupCleanup* prints:
  • --list tree --filter *IntroSetupCleanup* prints:
    │  └─Logic
    │  └─Benchmark
  • #905 Implement --list
  • #914 Implement --list - fixes #905 (by @wojtpl2)
  • #916 Update - add information about --list option (by @wojtpl2)
  • 330f66 Implement --list - fixes #905 (#914) (by @wojtpl2)
  • 6c7521 Update - add information about --list option (#916) (by @wojtpl2)

--info: Print environment info

Some of our users really like the info we print about hardware and OS. Now we have the --info console line argument which does not run the benchmarks, but simply prints the info.

BenchmarkDotNet=v0.11.1.786-nightly, OS=Windows 10.0.17134.285 (1803/April2018Update/Redstone4)
Intel Xeon CPU E5-1650 v4 3.60GHz, 1 CPU, 12 logical and 6 physical cores
Frequency=3507500 Hz, Resolution=285.1033 ns, Timer=TSC
.NET Core SDK=3.0.100-alpha1-009642
  [Host] : .NET Core 3.0.0-preview1-27004-04 (CoreCLR 4.6.27003.04, CoreFX 4.6.27003.02), 64bit RyuJIT

--runtimes: Choosing execution runtimes

The --runtimes or just -r allows you to run the benchmarks for selected Runtimes. Available options are: Mono, CoreRT, Core, Clr net46, net461, net462, net47, net471, net472, netcoreapp2.0, netcoreapp2.1, netcoreapp2.2, netcoreapp3.0.

Example: run the benchmarks for .NET 4.7.2 and .NET Core 2.1:

dotnet run -c Release -- --runtimes net472 netcoreapp2.1

Options for number of invocations and iterations

  • --launchCount - how many times we should launch process with target benchmark. The default is 1.
  • --warmupCount - how many warmup iterations should be performed. If you set it, the minWarmupCount and maxWarmupCount are ignored. By default calculated by the heuristic.
  • --minWarmupCount - minimum count of warmup iterations that should be performed. The default is 6.
  • --maxWarmupCount - maximum count of warmup iterations that should be performed. The default is 50.
  • --iterationTime - desired time of execution of an iteration. Used by Pilot stage to estimate the number of invocations per iteration. 500ms by default.
  • --iterationCount - how many target iterations should be performed. By default calculated by the heuristic.
  • --minIterationCount - minimum number of iterations to run. The default is 15.
  • --maxIterationCount - maximum number of iterations to run. The default is 100.
  • --invocationCount - invocation count in a single iteration. By default calculated by the heuristic.
  • --unrollFactor - how many times the benchmark method will be invoked per one iteration of a generated loop. 16 by default
  • --runOncePerIteration - run the benchmark exactly once per iteration. False by default.

Example: run single warmup iteration, from 9 to 12 actual workload iterations.

dotnet run -c Release -- --warmupCount 1 --minIterationCount 9 --maxIterationCount 12

Custom default settings for console argument parser

If you want to have a possibility to specify custom default Job settings programmatically and optionally overwrite it with console line arguments, then you should create a global config with single job marked as .AsDefault and pass it to BenchmarkSwitcher together with the console line arguments.

Example: run single warmup iteration by default.

static void Main(string[] args)
    => BenchmarkSwitcher
        .Run(args, GetGlobalConfig());

static IConfig GetGlobalConfig()
    => DefaultConfig.Instance
            .AsDefault()); // the KEY to get it working

Now, the default settings are: WarmupCount=1 but you might still overwrite it from console args like in the example below:

dotnet run -c Release -- --warmupCount 2

Case-insensitive filter

The --filter or just -f allows you to filter the benchmarks by their full name (namespace.typeName.methodName) using glob patterns.


  1. Run all benchmarks from System.Memory namespace: -f System.Memory*
  2. Run all benchmarks: -f *
  3. Run all benchmarks from ClassA and ClassB -f *ClassA* *ClassB*

Now this filter expression is case-insensitive.

Benchmarking with different CoreRun instances

CoreRun is a simpler version of dotnet run, used for developing CoreCLR and CoreFX.

Typically when working on the performance of .NET Core a developer has more than 1 copy of CoreRun. Example: CoreRun before my changes, and after my changes. This change allows to simply run same benchmark for few different CoreRuns to compare the perf in easy way.

Sample usage:

dotnet run -c Release -f netcoreapp2.1 -- -f *Empty.method --job dry --coreRun

Sample output:


  • #925 Make it possible to run the benchmark with multiple CoreRun.exe (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • 901616 when user provides CoreRun path and runtime in explicit way, we should use th... (by @adamsitnik)
  • 46bebf allow the users to run the same benchmarks using few different CoreRun.exe, f... (by @adamsitnik)

Hardware counters command-line support

--counters CacheMisses+InstructionRetired
  • 1e3df7 make it possible to specify hardware counters from command line (by @adamsitnik)
  • a4f91a better handling of edge cases for parsing hardware counters from the console ... (by @adamsitnik)


Markdown output for DisassemblyDiagnoser

Now DisassemblyDiagnoser generates markdown version of the assembly listing.

  • #560 Suggestion: markdown output for DisassemblyDiagnoser (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • 1e6235 github markdown exporter for Disassembler, fixes #560 (by @adamsitnik)

Diff view for disassembler output

Now we have PrettyGithubMarkdownDiffDisassemblyExporter which can generates nice diffs between assembly listings. This mode can be activated via the --disasmDiff command line argument or the printDiff: true argument of DisassemblyDiagnoserConfig. An output example (Diff between SumLocal and SumField on .NET Core 2.1.4 (CoreCLR 4.6.26814.03, CoreFX 4.6.26814.02), 64bit RyuJIT)

-; BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IntroDisassemblyRyuJit.SumLocal()
-                   var local = field; // we use local variable that points to the field
-            ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
-       mov     rax,qword ptr [rcx+8]
+; BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IntroDisassemblyRyuJit.SumField()
                    int sum = 0;
-       xor     edx,edx
-                   for (int i = 0; i < local.Length; i++)
+       xor     eax,eax
+                   for (int i = 0; i < field.Length; i++)
-       xor     ecx,ecx
-                   for (int i = 0; i < local.Length; i++)
+       xor     edx,edx
+                   for (int i = 0; i < field.Length; i++)
-       mov     r8d,dword ptr [rax+8]
-       test    r8d,r8d
+       mov     rcx,qword ptr [rcx+8]
+       cmp     dword ptr [rcx+8],0
        jle     M00_L01
-                       sum += local[i];
+                       sum += field[i];
-       movsxd  r9,ecx
-       add     edx,dword ptr [rax+r9*4+10h]
-                   for (int i = 0; i < local.Length; i++)
+       mov     r8,rcx
+       cmp     edx,dword ptr [r8+8]
+       jae     00007ff9`0c412c1f
+       movsxd  r9,edx
+       add     eax,dword ptr [r8+r9*4+10h]
+                   for (int i = 0; i < field.Length; i++)
-       inc     ecx
-       cmp     r8d,ecx
+       inc     edx
+       cmp     dword ptr [rcx+8],edx
        jg      M00_L00
                    return sum;
-       mov     eax,edx
-; Total bytes of code 34
+       add     rsp,28h
+; Total bytes of code 42
  • #544 Diff view for disassembler output (assignee: @wojtpl2)
  • #927 Improve Disassembly exporters and add PrettyGithubMarkdownDiffDisassemblyExporter (by @wojtpl2)
  • #936 Producing the asm diff reports on demand
  • #937 Producing the asm diff reports on demand - fix for #936 (by @wojtpl2)
  • 1903a1 Improve Disassembly exporters and add PrettyGithubMarkdownDiffDisassemblyExpo... (by @wojtpl2)
  • dd103b Producing the asm diff reports on demand - fixes #936 (#937) (by @wojtpl2)

Improved LINQPad support

If you run BenchmarkDotNet v0.11.2+ in LINQPad, your logs will be colored and monospaced:


Better CPU brand strings

We did a lot of changes which improve the presentation form of the CPU brand string. Here is an example of such string in the previous version of BenchmarkDotNet:

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X Eight-Core Processor (Max: 4.10GHz), 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores

Now it becomes:

AMD Ryzen 7 2700X 4.10GHz, 1 CPU, 16 logical and 8 physical cores

As you can see, "Eight-Core Processor" was removed (because we already have "8 physical cores"); "(Max: 4.10GHz)" was replaced by 4.10GHz (because the original CPU brand string doesn't contain the nominal frequency).

  • #859 Strange max frequency values on Windows (assignee: @Rizzen)
  • #909 Improve CPU Brand Strings without frequency
  • #860 Fix strange CPU Frequency values (by @Rizzen)
  • #910 Simplify AMD Ryzen CPU brand info (by @lahma)
  • a78b38 Fix strange CPU Frequency values (#860) (by @Rizzen)
  • 5df1e6 Simplify AMD Ryzen CPU brand info (#910) (by @lahma)


Async GlobalSetup and GlobalCleanup

Now GlobalSetup and GlobalCleanup methods can be async.

See also: docs.setup-and-cleanup

Introduced ParamsAllValues

If you want to use all possible values of an enum or another type with a small number of values, you can use the [ParamsAllValues] attribute, instead of listing all the values by hand. The types supported by the attribute are:

  • bool
  • any enum that is not marked with [Flags]
  • Nullable<T>, where T is an enum or boolean

An example:

public class IntroParamsAllValues
    public enum CustomEnum

    public CustomEnum E { get; set; }

    public bool? B { get; set; }

    public void Benchmark()
            E.ToString().Length * 100 +
            (B == true ? 20 : B == false ? 10 : 0));


    Method |   E |     B |     Mean | Error |
---------- |---- |------ |---------:|------:|
 Benchmark |   A |     ? | 101.9 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |   A | False | 111.9 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |   A |  True | 122.3 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |  BB |     ? | 201.5 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |  BB | False | 211.8 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |  BB |  True | 221.4 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark | CCC |     ? | 301.8 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark | CCC | False | 312.3 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark | CCC |  True | 322.2 ms |    NA |

// * Legends *
  E     : Value of the 'E' parameter
  B     : Value of the 'B' parameter

Selecting Baseline across Methods and Jobs

Now it's possible to mark a method and a job as baselines at the same time:

public class TheBaselines
    [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
    public void Sleep100ms() => Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(100));
    public void Sleep50ms() => Thread.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(50));

static void Main(string[] args)
    => BenchmarkSwitcher
        .FromTypes(new[] { typeof(TheBaselines) })
                    .With(Job.Clr.WithId("CLR 4.7.2")));


Statistical tests

In this release, statistical testing was significantly improved. Now it's possible to compare all benchmarks against baseline with the help of Welch's t-test or Mann–Whitney U test.

An example:

    StatisticalTestKind.Welch, ThresholdUnit.Microseconds, 1, true)]
    StatisticalTestKind.MannWhitney, ThresholdUnit.Microseconds, 1, true)]
    StatisticalTestKind.Welch, ThresholdUnit.Ratio, 0.03, true)]
    StatisticalTestKind.MannWhitney, ThresholdUnit.Ratio, 0.03, true)]
[SimpleJob(warmupCount: 0, targetCount: 5)]
public class IntroStatisticalTesting
    [Benchmark] public void Sleep50() => Thread.Sleep(50);
    [Benchmark] public void Sleep97() => Thread.Sleep(97);
    [Benchmark] public void Sleep99() => Thread.Sleep(99);
    [Benchmark(Baseline = true)] public void Sleep100() => Thread.Sleep(100);
    [Benchmark] public void Sleep101() => Thread.Sleep(101);
    [Benchmark] public void Sleep103() => Thread.Sleep(103);
    [Benchmark] public void Sleep150() => Thread.Sleep(150);


Method Mean Error StdDev Ratio Welch(1us)/p-values Welch(3%)/p-values MannWhitney(1us)/p-values MannWhitney(3%)/p-values
Sleep50 53.13 ms 0.5901 ms 0.1532 ms 0.51 Faster: 1.0000/0.0000 Faster: 1.0000/0.0000 Faster: 1.0000/0.0040 Faster: 1.0000/0.0040
Sleep97 100.07 ms 0.9093 ms 0.2361 ms 0.97 Faster: 1.0000/0.0000 Same: 1.0000/0.1290 Faster: 1.0000/0.0040 Same: 1.0000/0.1111
Sleep99 102.23 ms 2.4462 ms 0.6353 ms 0.99 Faster: 0.9928/0.0072 Same: 1.0000/0.9994 Faster: 0.9960/0.0079 Same: 1.0000/1.0000
Sleep100 103.34 ms 0.8180 ms 0.2124 ms 1.00 Base: 0.5029/0.5029 Base: 1.0000/1.0000 Base: 0.7262/0.7262 Base: 1.0000/1.0000
Sleep101 103.73 ms 2.1591 ms 0.5607 ms 1.00 Same: 0.1041/0.8969 Same: 0.9999/1.0000 Same: 0.1111/0.9246 Same: 1.0000/1.0000
Sleep103 106.21 ms 1.2511 ms 0.3249 ms 1.03 Slower: 0.0000/1.0000 Same: 0.9447/1.0000 Slower: 0.0040/1.0000 Same: 0.9246/1.0000
Sleep150 153.16 ms 3.4929 ms 0.9071 ms 1.48 Slower: 0.0000/1.0000 Slower: 0.0000/1.0000 Slower: 0.0040/1.0000 Slower: 0.0040/1.0000
// * Legends *
  Mean                      : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
  Error                     : Half of 99.9% confidence interval
  StdDev                    : Standard deviation of all measurements
  Ratio                     : Mean of the ratio distribution ([Current]/[Baseline])
  Welch(1us)/p-values       : Welch-based TOST equivalence test with 1 us threshold. Format: 'Result: p-value(Slower)|p-value(Faster)'
  Welch(3%)/p-values        : Welch-based TOST equivalence test with 3% threshold. Format: 'Result: p-value(Slower)|p-value(Faster)'
  MannWhitney(1us)/p-values : MannWhitney-based TOST equivalence test with 1 us threshold. Format: 'Result: p-value(Slower)|p-value(Faster)'
  MannWhitney(3%)/p-values  : MannWhitney-based TOST equivalence test with 3% threshold. Format: 'Result: p-value(Slower)|p-value(Faster)'
  1 ms                      : 1 Millisecond (0.001 sec)

The statistical testing is a work-in-progress feature. In future versions of BenchmarkDotNet, we are planning to improve API, fill missed docs, and introduce more parameters for customization.

See also: BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IntroStatisticalTesting


When you have an empty benchmark like this

public void Empty() { }

The expected duration of this method is zero. However, you can get the mean value like 0.0023ns because of the natural noise. It's a pretty confusing result for many developers. Since v0.11.2, we have ZeroMeasurementAnalyser which warn you about such methods. By default, BenchmarkDotNet automatically evaluate overhead. In this case, ZeroMeasurementAnalyser runs Welch's t-test and compare actual and overhead measurements. If the overhead evaluation is disabled, it runs one-sample Student's t-test against a half of CPU cycle.


The Ratio column was formerly known as Scaled. The old title was a source of misunderstanding and confusion because many developers interpreted it as the ratio of means (e.g., 50.46/100.39 for Time50). The ratio of distribution means and the mean of the ratio distribution are pretty close to each other in most cases, but they are not equal.

See also: BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IntroBenchmarkBaseline, BenchmarkDotNet.Samples.IntroRatioSD, Benchmark and Job Baselines.

Milestone details

In the v0.11.2 scope, 28 issues were resolved and 33 pull requests were merged. This release includes 84 commits by 20 contributors.

Resolved issues (28)

  • #221 Investigate why CanEnableServerGcMode test fails for Core on appveyor
  • #290 Question: Any official way to benchmark same method between different assembly versions?
  • #447 Implement ColoredLogger for LinqPad
  • #521 Support async Setup/Cleanup
  • #544 Diff view for disassembler output (assignee: @WojciechNagorski)
  • #560 Suggestion: markdown output for DisassemblyDiagnoser (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #601 Surprising results
  • #658 [Params] for enums should include all values by default
  • #731 Add constant folding analyser
  • #788 Detect correct version of .NET Core in Docket container
  • #842 Benchmark filter: wildcards on *nix CLI (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #858 Should the Engine iterate over and consume IEnumerable and IQueryable results? (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #859 Strange max frequency values on Windows (assignee: @Rizzen)
  • #862 Don't print parse errors to the output (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #863 Make it easier to understand which process belongs to which benchmark (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #864 Make the filter case insensitive (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #874 .NET Core 3.0 support (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #879 Benchmark attributed with "HardwareCounters" throws an exception (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #880 Select Baseline across Methods and Jobs (assignee: @AndreyAkinshin)
  • #889 ArgumentsSource doesn't work if method takes 1 arg (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #891 Add docs about debugging BDN issues (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #904 Implement --info
  • #905 Implement --list
  • #909 Improve CPU Brand Strings without frequency
  • #911 Excluding specific namespaces from disassembly (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #925 Make it possible to run the benchmark with multiple CoreRun.exe (assignee: @adamsitnik)
  • #931 Same NuGet version used when benchmarking different packages
  • #936 Producing the asm diff reports on demand

Merged pull requests (33)

Commits (84)

Contributors (20)

Thank you very much!

Additional details

Date: November 1, 2018

Milestone: v0.11.2 (List of commits)

NuGet Packages: