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Sample: IntroRatioSD

The ratio of two benchmarks is not a single number, it's a distribution. In most simple cases, the range of the ratio distribution is narrow, and BenchmarkDotNet displays a single column Ratio with the mean value. However, it also adds the RatioSD column (the standard deviation of the ratio distribution) in complex situations. In the below example, the baseline benchmark is spoiled by a single outlier

Source code

using System.Threading;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Engines;
using Perfolizer.Mathematics.OutlierDetection;

namespace BenchmarkDotNet.Samples
    // Don't remove outliers
    // Skip jitting, pilot, warmup; measure 10 iterations
    [SimpleJob(RunStrategy.Monitoring, iterationCount: 10, invocationCount: 1)]
    public class IntroRatioSD
        private int counter;

        public void Setup() => counter = 0;

        [Benchmark(Baseline = true)]
        public void Base()
            if (++counter % 7 == 0)
                Thread.Sleep(5000); // Emulate outlier

        public void Slow() => Thread.Sleep(200);

        public void Fast() => Thread.Sleep(50);


Here are statistics details for the baseline benchmark:

Mean = 600.6054 ms, StdErr = 500.0012 ms (83.25%); N = 10, StdDev = 1,581.1428 ms
Min = 100.2728 ms, Q1 = 100.3127 ms, Median = 100.4478 ms, Q3 = 100.5011 ms, Max = 5,100.6163 ms
IQR = 0.1884 ms, LowerFence = 100.0301 ms, UpperFence = 100.7837 ms
ConfidenceInterval = [-1,789.8568 ms; 2,991.0677 ms] (CI 99.9%), Margin = 2,390.4622 ms (398.01% of Mean)
Skewness = 2.28, Kurtosis = 6.57, MValue = 2
-------------------- Histogram --------------------
[-541.891 ms ;  743.427 ms) | @@@@@@@@@
[ 743.427 ms ; 2027.754 ms) | 
[2027.754 ms ; 3312.082 ms) | 
[3312.082 ms ; 4458.453 ms) | 
[4458.453 ms ; 5742.780 ms) | @

As you can see, a single outlier significantly affected the metrics. Because of this, BenchmarkDotNet adds the Median and the RatioSD columns in the summary table:

 Method |      Mean |         Error |        StdDev |    Median | Ratio | RatioSD |
------- |----------:|--------------:|--------------:|----------:|------:|--------:|
   Base | 600.61 ms | 2,390.4622 ms | 1,581.1428 ms | 100.45 ms |  1.00 |    0.00 |
   Slow | 200.50 ms |     0.4473 ms |     0.2959 ms | 200.42 ms |  1.80 |    0.62 |
   Fast |  50.54 ms |     0.3435 ms |     0.2272 ms |  50.48 ms |  0.45 |    0.16 |

Let's look at the Base and Slow benchmarks. The Mean values are 600 and 200 milliseconds; the "Scaled Mean" value is 0.3. The Median values are 100 and 200 milliseconds; the "Scaled Median" value is 2. Both values are misleading. BenchmarkDotNet evaluates the ratio distribution and displays the mean (1.80) and the standard deviation (0.62).