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Sample: IntroDisassemblyAllJits

You can use a single config to compare the generated assembly code for ALL JITs.

But to allow benchmarking any target platform architecture the project which defines benchmarks has to target AnyCPU.


Source code

using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Configs;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnosers;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Environments;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Jobs;

namespace BenchmarkDotNet.Samples
    public class IntroDisassemblyAllJits
        public class MultipleJits : ManualConfig
            public MultipleJits()
                AddJob(Job.ShortRun.WithPlatform(Platform.X86).WithRuntime(new MonoRuntime(name: "Mono x86", customPath: @"C:\Program Files (x86)\Mono\bin\mono.exe")));
                AddJob(Job.ShortRun.WithPlatform(Platform.X64).WithRuntime(new MonoRuntime(name: "Mono x64", customPath: @"C:\Program Files\Mono\bin\mono.exe")));



                // RyuJit for .NET Core 5.0

                AddDiagnoser(new DisassemblyDiagnoser(new DisassemblyDiagnoserConfig(maxDepth: 3, exportDiff: true)));

        private Increment increment = new Increment();

        public int CallVirtualMethod() => increment.OperateTwice(10);

        public abstract class Operation  // abstract unary integer operation
            public abstract int Operate(int input);

            public int OperateTwice(int input) => Operate(Operate(input)); // two virtual calls to Operate

        public sealed class Increment : Operation // concrete, sealed operation: increment by fixed amount
            public readonly int Amount;
            public Increment(int amount = 1) { Amount = amount; }

            public override int Operate(int input) => input + Amount;


The disassembly result can be obtained here. The file was too big to embed it in this doc page.