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Sample: IntroSetupCleanupIteration

A method which is marked by the [IterationSetup] attribute will be executed exactly once before each benchmark invocation, forcing UnrollFactor=1 and InvocationCount=1 (we have changed that in 0.11.0). It's not recommended to use this attribute in microbenchmarks because it can spoil the results. However, if you are writing a macrobenchmark (e.g. a benchmark which takes at least 100ms) and you want to prepare some data before each invocation, [IterationSetup] can be useful.

A method which is marked by the [IterationCleanup] attribute will be executed exactly once after each invocation. This attribute has the same set of constraint with [IterationSetup]: it's not recommended to use [IterationCleanup] in microbenchmarks.

Source code

using System;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Engines;

namespace BenchmarkDotNet.Samples
    [SimpleJob(RunStrategy.Monitoring, launchCount: 1,
        warmupCount: 2, iterationCount: 3)]
    public class IntroSetupCleanupIteration
        private int setupCounter;
        private int cleanupCounter;

        public void IterationSetup()
            => Console.WriteLine($"// IterationSetup ({++setupCounter})");

        public void IterationCleanup()
            => Console.WriteLine($"// IterationCleanup ({++cleanupCounter})");

        public void GlobalSetup()
            => Console.WriteLine("// " + "GlobalSetup");

        public void GlobalCleanup()
            => Console.WriteLine("// " + "GlobalCleanup");

        public void Benchmark()
            => Console.WriteLine("// " + "Benchmark");

The order of method calls

// GlobalSetup

// IterationSetup (1)    // IterationSetup Jitting
// IterationCleanup (1)  // IterationCleanup Jitting

// IterationSetup (2)    // MainWarmup1
// Benchmark             // MainWarmup1
// IterationCleanup (2)  // MainWarmup1

// IterationSetup (3)    // MainWarmup2
// Benchmark             // MainWarmup2
// IterationCleanup (3)  // MainWarmup2

// IterationSetup (4)    // MainTarget1
// Benchmark             // MainTarget1
// IterationCleanup (4)  // MainTarget1

// IterationSetup (5)    // MainTarget2
// Benchmark             // MainTarget2
// IterationCleanup (5)  // MainTarget2

// IterationSetup (6)    // MainTarget3
// Benchmark             // MainTarget3
// IterationCleanup (6)  // MainTarget3

// GlobalCleanup