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Sample: IntroParamsAllValues

If you want to use all possible values of an enum or another type with a small number of values, you can use the [ParamsAllValues] attribute, instead of listing all the values by hand. The types supported by the attribute are:

  • bool
  • any enum that is not marked with [Flags]
  • Nullable<T>, where T is an enum or boolean

Source code

using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using System.Threading;

namespace BenchmarkDotNet.Samples
    public class IntroParamsAllValues
        public enum CustomEnum
            One = 1,

        public CustomEnum E { get; set; }

        public bool? B { get; set; }

        public void Benchmark()
                (int)E * 100 +
                (B == true ? 20 : B == false ? 10 : 0));


    Method |     E |     B |     Mean | Error |
---------- |------ |------ |---------:|------:|
 Benchmark |   One |     ? | 101.4 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |   One | False | 111.1 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |   One |  True | 122.0 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |   Two |     ? | 201.3 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |   Two | False | 212.1 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark |   Two |  True | 221.3 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark | Three |     ? | 301.4 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark | Three | False | 311.5 ms |    NA |
 Benchmark | Three |  True | 320.8 ms |    NA |