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Sample: IntroColdStart

If you want to measure cold start (without the pilot and warmup stage), the ColdStart strategy is your choice.


[SimpleJob(RunStrategy.ColdStart, launchCount:50)]
public class MyBenchmarkClass

Source code

using System;
using System.Threading;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Engines;

namespace BenchmarkDotNet.Samples
    [SimpleJob(RunStrategy.ColdStart, iterationCount: 5)]
    [MinColumn, MaxColumn, MeanColumn, MedianColumn]
    public class IntroColdStart
        private bool firstCall;

        public void Foo()
            if (firstCall == false)
                firstCall = true;
                Console.WriteLine("// First call");


Result       1: 1 op, 1002034900.00 ns, 1.0020 s/op
Result       2: 1 op, 10219700.00 ns, 10.2197 ms/op
Result       3: 1 op, 10406200.00 ns, 10.4062 ms/op
Result       4: 1 op, 10473900.00 ns, 10.4739 ms/op
Result       5: 1 op, 10449400.00 ns, 10.4494 ms/op
 Method |     Mean |      Error |   StdDev |      Min |        Max |   Median |
------- |---------:|-----------:|---------:|---------:|-----------:|---------:|
    Foo | 208.7 ms | 1,707.4 ms | 443.5 ms | 10.22 ms | 1,002.0 ms | 10.45 ms |