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Config Options

The config options let you customize some behavior of BenchmarkDotNet - mainly regarding the output. Available config options are:

  • ConfigOptions.Default - No configuration option is set - this is the default.
  • ConfigOptions.KeepBenchmarkFiles - All auto-generated files should be kept after running the benchmarks (by default they are removed).
  • ConfigOptions.JoinSummary - All benchmarks results should be joined into a single summary (by default we have a summary per type).
  • ConfigOptions.StopOnFirstError - Benchmarking should be stopped after the first error (by default it's not).
  • ConfigOptions.DisableOptimizationsValidator - Mandatory optimizations validator should be entirely turned off.
  • ConfigOptions.DontOverwriteResults - The exported result files should not be overwritten (by default they are overwritten).
  • ConfigOptions.DisableLogFile - Disables the log file written on disk.

All of these options could be combined and are available as CLI (Comand Line Interface) option (except DisableOptimizationsValidator), see Console Arguments for further information how to use the CLI.

Any of these options could be used either in object style config or fluent style config:

Object style config

public class Config : ManualConfig
    public Config()
        // Using the WithOptions() factory method:
        // Or (The ConfigOptions Enum is defined as a BitField)
        this.WithOptions(ConfigOptions.JoinSummary | ConfigOptions.DisableLogFile);


Fluent style config

    public static void Run()
                    // or
                    .WithOptions(ConfigOptions.JoinSummary | ConfigOptions.DisableLogFile));