Table of Contents

How to use console arguments

BenchmarkSwitcher supports various console arguments, to make it work you need to pass the args to switcher:

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args) 
        => BenchmarkSwitcher.FromAssembly(typeof(Program).Assembly).Run(args);

Note: the docs that you are currently reading might get outdated, to get the most up-to-date info about supported console arguments run the benchmarks with --help.


The --filter or just -f allows you to filter the benchmarks by their full name (namespace.typeName.methodName) using glob patterns.


  1. Run all benchmarks from System.Memory namespace: -f 'System.Memory*'
  2. Run all benchmarks: -f '*'
  3. Run all benchmarks from ClassA and ClassB -f '*ClassA*' '*ClassB*'

Note: If you would like to join all the results into a single summary, you need to put --join. For example: -f '*ClassA*' '*ClassB*' --join

List of benchmarks

The --list allows you to print all of the available benchmark names. Available options are:

  • flat - prints list of the available benchmarks: --list flat
  • tree - prints tree of the available benchmarks: --list tree
    │  ├─Md5
    │  └─Sha256
    │  └─Benchmark
    │  ├─SingleArgument
    │  └─ManyArguments
    │  ├─ArrayIndexOf
    │  └─ManualIndexOf
    │  ├─Sleep

The --list option works with the --filter option. Examples:

  • --list flat --filter *IntroSetupCleanup* prints:
  • --list tree --filter *IntroSetupCleanup* prints:
    │  └─Logic
    │  └─Benchmark


You can also filter the benchmarks by categories:

  • --anyCategories - runs all benchmarks that belong to any of the provided categories
  • --allCategories- runs all benchmarks that belong to all provided categories


  • -m, --memory - enables MemoryDiagnoser and prints memory statistics
  • -t, --threading - enables ThreadingDiagnoser and prints threading statistics
  • -d, --disasm- enables DisassemblyDiagnoser and exports diassembly of benchmarked code. When you enable this option, you can use:
    • --disasmDepth - Sets the recursive depth for the disassembler.
    • --disasmDiff - Generates diff reports for the disassembler.


The --runtimes or just -r allows you to run the benchmarks for selected Runtimes. Available options are:

  • Clr - BDN will either use Roslyn (if you run it as .NET app) or latest installed .NET SDK to build the benchmarks (if you run it as .NET Core app).
  • Core - if you run it as .NET Core app, BDN will use the same target framework moniker, if you run it as .NET app it's going to use netcoreapp2.1.
  • Mono - it's going to use the Mono from $Path, you can override it with --monoPath.
  • net46, net461, net462, net47, net471, net472 - to build and run benchmarks against specific .NET framework version.
  • netcoreapp2.0, netcoreapp2.1, netcoreapp2.2, netcoreapp3.0, netcoreapp3.1, net5.0, net6.0, net7.0 - to build and run benchmarks against specific .NET Core version.
  • nativeaot5.0, nativeaot6.0, nativeaot7.0 - to build and run benchmarks using NativeAOT. Can be customized with additional options: --ilcPath, --ilCompilerVersion.

Example: run the benchmarks for .NET 4.7.2 and .NET Core 2.1:

dotnet run -c Release -- --runtimes net472 netcoreapp2.1

Example: run the benchmarks for .NET Core 3.0 and latest .NET SDK installed on your PC:

dotnet run -c Release -f netcoreapp3.0 -- --runtimes clr core

But same command executed with -f netcoreapp2.0 is going to run the benchmarks for .NET Core 2.0:

dotnet run -c Release -f netcoreapp2.0 -- --runtimes clr core

Number of invocations and iterations

  • --launchCount - how many times we should launch process with target benchmark. The default is 1.
  • --warmupCount - how many warmup iterations should be performed. If you set it, the minWarmupCount and maxWarmupCount are ignored. By default calculated by the heuristic.
  • --minWarmupCount - minimum count of warmup iterations that should be performed. The default is 6.
  • --maxWarmupCount - maximum count of warmup iterations that should be performed. The default is 50.
  • --iterationTime - desired time of execution of an iteration. Used by Pilot stage to estimate the number of invocations per iteration. 500ms by default.
  • --iterationCount - how many target iterations should be performed. By default calculated by the heuristic.
  • --minIterationCount - minimum number of iterations to run. The default is 15.
  • --maxIterationCount - maximum number of iterations to run. The default is 100.
  • --invocationCount - invocation count in a single iteration. By default calculated by the heuristic.
  • --unrollFactor - how many times the benchmark method will be invoked per one iteration of a generated loop. 16 by default
  • --runOncePerIteration - run the benchmark exactly once per iteration. False by default.

Example: run single warmup iteration, from 9 to 12 actual workload iterations.

dotnet run -c Release -- --warmupCount 1 --minIterationCount 9 --maxIterationCount 12

Specifying custom default settings for console argument parser

If you want to have a possibility to specify custom default Job settings programmatically and optionally overwrite it with console line arguments, then you should create a global config with single job marked as .AsDefault and pass it to BenchmarkSwitcher together with the console line arguments.

Example: run single warmup iteration by default.

static void Main(string[] args)
    => BenchmarkSwitcher
        .Run(args, GetGlobalConfig());

static IConfig GetGlobalConfig()
    => DefaultConfig.Instance
            .AsDefault()); // the KEY to get it working

Now, the default settings are: WarmupCount=1 but you might still overwrite it from console args like in the example below:

dotnet run -c Release -- --warmupCount 2

Response files support

Benchmark.NET supports parsing parameters via response files. for example you can create file run.rsp with following content

--warmupCount 1
--minIterationCount 9
--maxIterationCount 12

and run it using dotnet run -c Release -- @run.rsp. It would be equivalent to running following command line

dotnet run -c Release -- --warmupCount 1 --minIterationCount 9 --maxIterationCount 12

Statistical Test

To perform a Mann–Whitney U Test and display the results in a dedicated column you need to provide the Threshold:

  • --statisticalTest- Threshold for Mann–Whitney U Test. Examples: 5%, 10ms, 100ns, 1s

Example: run Mann–Whitney U test with relative ratio of 5% for all benchmarks for .NET Core 2.0 (base) vs .NET Core 2.1 (diff). .NET Core 2.0 will be baseline because it was first.

dotnet run -c Release -- --filter * --runtimes netcoreapp2.0 netcoreapp2.1 --statisticalTest 5%


  • -j, --job (Default: Default) Dry/Short/Medium/Long or Default.
  • -e, --exporters GitHub/StackOverflow/RPlot/CSV/JSON/HTML/XML.
  • -i, --inProcess (default: false) run benchmarks in the same process, without spawning child process per benchmark.
  • -a, --artifacts valid path to an accessible directory where output artifacts will be stored.
  • --outliers (default: RemoveUpper) DontRemove/RemoveUpper/RemoveLower/RemoveAll.
  • --affinity affinity mask to set for the benchmark process.
  • --allStats (default: false) Displays all statistics (min, max & more).
  • --allCategories categories to run. If few are provided, only the benchmarks which belong to all of them are going to be executed.
  • --attribute run all methods with given attribute (applied to class or method).
  • --monoPath optional path to Mono which should be used for running benchmarks.
  • --cli path to dotnet cli (optional).
  • --packages the directory to restore packages to (optional).
  • --coreRun path(s) to CoreRun (optional).
  • --ilcPath path to ILCompiler for NativeAOT.
  • --info prints environment configuration including BenchmarkDotNet, OS, CPU and .NET version
  • --stopOnFirstError stop on first error.
  • --help display this help screen.
  • --version display version information.
  • --keepFiles (default: false) determines if all auto-generated files should be kept or removed after running the benchmarks.
  • --noOverwrite (default: false) determines if the exported result files should not be overwritten.
  • --disableLogFile disables the log file.
  • --maxWidth max parameter column width, the default is 20.
  • --envVars colon separated environment variables (key:value).
  • --strategy the RunStrategy that should be used. Throughput/ColdStart/Monitoring.
  • --platform the Platform that should be used. If not specified, the host process platform is used (default). AnyCpu/X86/X64/Arm/Arm64/LoongArch64.
  • --runOncePerIteration run the benchmark exactly once per iteration.
  • --buildTimeout build timeout in seconds.
  • --wasmEngine full path to a java script engine used to run the benchmarks, used by Wasm toolchain.
  • --wasmMainJS path to the test-main.js file used by Wasm toolchain. Mandatory when using "--runtimes wasm"
  • --expose_wasm arguments for the JavaScript engine used by Wasm toolchain.
  • --customRuntimePack specify the path to a custom runtime pack. Only used for wasm currently.