Table of Contents

Installing NuGet packages


We have the following set of NuGet packages (you can install it directly from

  • BenchmarkDotNet: BenchmarkDotNet infrastructure and logic. This is all you need to run benchmarks.
  • BenchmarkDotNet.Annotations: Basic BenchmarkDotNet annotations for your benchmarks.
  • BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.Windows: an additional optional package that provides a set of Windows diagnosers.
  • BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.dotTrace: an additional optional package that provides DotTraceDiagnoser.
  • BenchmarkDotNet.Diagnostics.dotMemory: an additional optional package that provides DotMemoryDiagnoser.
  • BenchmarkDotNet.Templates: Templates for BenchmarkDotNet.

You might find other NuGet packages that start with BenchmarkDotNet name, but they are internal BDN packages that should not be installed manually. All that matters are the three packages mentioned above.

Versioning system and feeds

We have 3 kinds of versions: stable, nightly, and develop. You can get the current version from the source code via BenchmarkDotNetInfo.FullVersion and the full title via BenchmarkDotNetInfo.FullTitle.


These versions are available from the official NuGet feed.

  <add key="" value="" protocolVersion="3" />


If you want to use a nightly version of the BenchmarkDotNet, add the feed in the <packageSources> section of your NuGet.config:

  <add key="bdn-nightly" value="" />

Now you can install the packages from the bdn-nightly feed.


You also can build BenchmarkDotNet from source code:

build.cmd pack