Table of Contents

Enum RuntimeMoniker

public enum RuntimeMoniker


HostProcess = 0

the same Runtime as the host Process (default setting)

Mono = 2


Mono60 = 36

.NET 6 using MonoVM (not CLR which is the default)

Mono70 = 37

.NET 7 using MonoVM (not CLR which is the default)

Mono80 = 38

.NET 8 using MonoVM (not CLR which is the default)

Mono90 = 39

.NET 9 using MonoVM (not CLR which is the default)

MonoAOTLLVM = 31

Mono with the Ahead of Time LLVM Compiler backend

MonoAOTLLVMNet60 = 32

Mono with the Ahead of Time LLVM Compiler backend and net6.0

MonoAOTLLVMNet70 = 33

Mono with the Ahead of Time LLVM Compiler backend and net7.0

MonoAOTLLVMNet80 = 34

Mono with the Ahead of Time LLVM Compiler backend and net8.0

MonoAOTLLVMNet90 = 35

Mono with the Ahead of Time LLVM Compiler backend and net9.0

NativeAot60 = 21

NativeAOT compiled as net6.0

NativeAot70 = 22

NativeAOT compiled as net7.0

NativeAot80 = 23

NativeAOT compiled as net8.0

NativeAot90 = 24

NativeAOT compiled as net9.0

Net461 = 3

.NET 4.6.1

Net462 = 4

.NET 4.6.2

Net47 = 5

.NET 4.7

Net471 = 6

.NET 4.7.1

Net472 = 7

.NET 4.7.2

Net48 = 8

.NET 4.8

Net481 = 9

.NET 4.8.1

Net50 = 16

.NET 5.0

Net60 = 17

.NET 6.0

Net70 = 18

.NET 7.0

Net80 = 19

.NET 8.0

Net90 = 20

.NET 9.0

NetCoreApp20 = 10

.NET Core 2.0

NetCoreApp21 = 11

.NET Core 2.1

NetCoreApp22 = 12

.NET Core 2.2

NetCoreApp30 = 13

.NET Core 3.0

NetCoreApp31 = 14

.NET Core 3.1

[Obsolete("Please switch to the 'RuntimeMoniker.Net50'")] NetCoreApp50 = 15

.NET Core 5.0 aka ".NET 5"

NotRecognized = 1

not recognized, possibly a new version of .NET Core

Wasm = 25

WebAssembly with default .Net version

WasmNet50 = 26

WebAssembly with net5.0

WasmNet60 = 27

WebAssembly with net6.0

WasmNet70 = 28

WebAssembly with net7.0

WasmNet80 = 29

WebAssembly with net8.0

WasmNet90 = 30

WebAssembly with net9.0