Table of Contents

Enum ConfigOptions

public enum ConfigOptions


ApplesToApples = 256

Performs apples-to-apples comparison for provided benchmarks and jobs. Experimental, will change in the near future!

Default = 0

no custom settings

DisableLogFile = 32

Determines if the log file should be disabled.

DisableOptimizationsValidator = 8

determines if "mandatory" optimizations validator should be entirely turned off

DontOverwriteResults = 16

determines if the exported result files should not be overwritten (be default they are overwritten)

GenerateMSBuildBinLog = 128

Determines whether to generate msbuild binlogs

JoinSummary = 2

determines if all benchmarks results should be joined into a single summary (by default we have a summary per type)

KeepBenchmarkFiles = 1

determines if all auto-generated files should be kept after running the benchmarks (be default they are removed)

LogBuildOutput = 64

Determines whether build output should be logged.

Resume = 512

Continue the execution if the last run was stopped.

StopOnFirstError = 4

determines if benchmarking should be stopped after the first error (by default it's not)